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New Year, New Chapter

New Year, New Chapter

The New Year brings with it a special kind of energy—a fresh start, a clean slate, and endless possibilities. For us Veterans, it’s a chance to embrace new opportunities while carrying forward the resilience and strength we’ve built through our experiences. It’s an...

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A Time to Reflect on How Far We’ve Come

A Time to Reflect on How Far We’ve Come

Take a moment to think back on the past year. What are you proud of? Maybe you reconnected with an old friend, completed a project, or took a leap of faith that scared you. Maybe you gave yourself the grace to rest when you needed it most. Whatever it is, give...

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High-Functioning Depression in Veterans

High-Functioning Depression in Veterans

Have you ever felt like you’re marching through the days, weeks, or even months, with a weight on your shoulders that you can’t quite put your finger on? You keep moving forward, getting things done, maybe even achieving more than most, but something still...

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Power of Positivity

Power of Positivity

‘Choose love over hate when circumstances or experiences change your direction’~ Ashley Marie KnightI describe myself as being ‘extra’. I’m extra happy, extra cheerful, and extra welcoming to strangers. I wasn’t always like this though. Life didn’t always make me...

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Finding Your New Platoon

Finding Your New Platoon

By Abeni Celeste Scott‘Why am I crying like this?’ I asked myself because I couldn’t believe something as simple as doing the laundry triggered such an emotional response.I was less than a year out of the military after honorably serving for 20 years. I had a great...

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The Power of Sisterhood

The Power of Sisterhood

I remember how I felt when I transitioned from the Army following my 22-year career – happy, proud, excited, READY… I was so ready for retirement. I did my time and ready to write the next chapter of my life outside of the Army uniform. Then came the feelings of...

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The Sense of Perception

The Sense of Perception

By SFC Montoya BaylisTopic: Eliminating Perception and Telling Your Story (Domestic Violence)Since I became a survivor of domestic violence, the month of October (domestic violence month) has never held as great of a significance as this past year. I looked around and...

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The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is Real

Author: Yolanda WinstonI guess things would have been different had I not known my rights to access my records and had a chance to review the LOD (Line of Duty) Determination that resulted in my discharge form the Air Force. Maybe I would have just walked away without...

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